Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Body's Way Of Releasing

Guidance by the Spiritual Teachers

B:  I have one more thing.  I was sick this weekend; very ill and then weak, and I was wondering if it had to do with change and spirituality, or if it was just a sickness?
A:  “It was the Body’s way of releasing what it no longer needed.  So, yes, it is a change with regard to the body and spiritual growth.  As you go through each level, there will be times when there is heavy energy that has been stored, and as you work through that process of the various Chakras and the information that is contained within, that you will release what you no longer need, because you have resolved it.”

~  Angela Amayah

So Be Led

“The things within you will be read

And as you receive your promptings

So be led

With your eyes you will see

As we bring the dreams to thee

Cast your doubt, out the door

And before you we implore

That you seek assistance that we give

To lead you further on your Path.”

~  Angela Amayah

Open Your Arms And Receive

“Showers are happening
But the Clouds have moved away
The Earth is green for you to play
The Animals seek you, to give advice
The Wind has learned to blow on by
Your Challenge is sweet, the wood piled high
The Birds are singing your lullaby
A Woman you are, gifted and true
Mark this day, for we will come to you
You have learned your lessons, and we give a care
Forward you will go and not be spared
For Love to travel expediently
Open your arms and receive
Some of your hardest challenges, have now passed
So allow yourself to test the grass
With it, so soft and fresh and clean
Ly upon it and receive.”     
~  Angela Amayah

Change Your Routine

Lesson from the Masters of Light

“We have a concern for some; that are fixating on one issue and we say again, move the energy; change your routine, so that you can move past this Mind pattern.  This is something that you will learn in your life.  This is a good tool for you to use, so that this energy does not become stuck, so learn this well.

~  Angela Amayah

Message of Truth

“Peace brings prosperity.  This is with regard to the Mind.  When the Mind is calm and in a state of Peace, chaos does not reign and there is clarity of vision and purpose.  Feel Peace within your Heart.  Give the worries of the world up to the Father.  Let go.  All of you here, are in a state of change, but it will be change for the better, spiritually.  You must not have resistance to this change.  It’s going to take you further still.  Blessed be the Ones that hear this Message of Truth and understand the level of its meaning.  

Pay attention to all of the things that are around you; to the Synchronistic activities.  We, the Archangels are giving you Signals and Symbols and Numbers every day.  Are you paying attention to them? Begin to open and broaden your awareness.  The world is about to go through great change.  You will be able to survive this change within your own Soul and Personality, if you are at Peace within yourself.  Do not attach your hopes and dreams onto the things of the world and to Earthly pursuits.  If your eyes are upon God, all things else, will take care of its self.  You must keep focused.  Find the Joy every day; from sunshine, to hearing a bird sing, to being able to take a breath and to know that you’re living.  Master your Self.  When we say this, what the lesson is for you, when you’re able to master your emotions and master your Self; that allows for more information to come into you.  If your emotions are too pronounced, you will not be able to hear us.  Detach from the chaos."

~  Angela Amayah

Thank The Lord


Guidance given by the Master Teachers

“Thank the Lord, for all the good things that are in your life.  Concentrate, on all of the positive, and only think of the negative; what you perceive as negative, as tests and challenges for you to overcome and pass.  Hear with your Ears, See with your Eyes, See with your 3rd Eye, Feel and See with your Heart.  That is the truest vision.  It is only when you have mastered this, that you can say that you have mastered your Self.  This conduit will bring about great change in your life.  Your life will be more joyful, more expanded, more treasured.  Concentrate on this Heart Space.  Pursue it, open it completely.  Recognize the guidance of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.  Feel what each of them feel like, and recognize both, their vibration and their pattern of coming to you.  Blend your energies with theirs and this is what has been referred to from long ago, as aligning your Will with your Father’s Will.  Cherish, all of these lessons that are up and coming, because not all of them are going to be what you refer to, as negative.  Some are going to be quite happy, and the only challenge is for you to allow yourself to feel it, and to blend with it and to understand it, and accept.  These changes are necessary for you to go forward, so allow them to happen.  The direction is forward now.  This is not the time to look over your shoulder, backward.  See what is before you, envision what you want in your life, because there are choices coming up for you to make.  Do not review these choices based on your old patterns of seeing and thinking and feeling.  Base them on the joy and the light and the path that the Father is guiding you on.  Walk hand in hand with Christ.  He will not lead you astray.  Lean not unto your own understanding, but lean unto God.  It is by having this faith, that more joy and more abundance will come flooding into your life.  You have tried it by yourself, up to this point.  Rest assured that by going hand in hand with Christ, the abundance will increase beyond what you are even able to perceive. The holes that you see in your life that need to be filled; let Christ fill those holes; not with dark, not with negative, but of things of the Light and that are positive. Commit to memory, the words of the Father as you hear them.  Ask, and ye shall receive.” 

~  Angela Amayah

Cast Your Doubts Aside, Let Jesus Be Your Guide

“You are going to grow beyond your expectations.  We see this as necessary in order for you to reach your Spiritual goals; that you came into this life to complete.  You have the tools necessary to take this task on.  You must learn both, how to think, as well as allow yourself to feel, knowing that your feelings are acceptable and that they are good, no matter what they may be; tears of joy, tears of sorrow, laughter, peace, love, contempt, rejection, completion.  All of these are acceptable emotions.  Work with them to understand; to understand your Self, how you react to stimuli, both Outer and Inner; how to use your thoughts in strategy, how to guard your thoughts, how to allow your thoughts and how to protect your thoughts.  Release your inhibitions.  Accept this challenge in Peace.  Do not have expectations.  Flow like the river.  Allow it to lead you to your next shore.  We will impart wisdom.  You will learn this.  Brainy-acts will not be able to learn by this method.  Only those who allow the Heart to flow can benefit from this way of Teaching.  Cast your doubts aside, let Jesus be your guide, for with him, compassion was everything.” 

~  Angela Amayah