Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Divinity Of Self

What message does Enoch have for G?

A:  “Write, write, write.  Write your thoughts.  Write your experiences.  Write about your Meditations.  Write about what you feel.  There is nothing so insignificant in your life that you should consider it not worth writing about, because it is through this visual exercise that you will start to perceive various levels of learning.  So, for you this would be like painting a picture using many different colors, in describing what you are sensing, and thus acknowledging the Divinity of Self.  So, I would say here, that it is important for you to write all of these things down, and only when you learn them your Self, will you be able to teach and guide, and give credence to others that you would teach to do this with.  First, each individual goes through their own lessons.  Then, it’s about sharing; sharing insight, sharing fears, sharing joys and happiness, sharing Unity, sharing Right Mind.  So, this is more than a task.  It should be perceived as being a joyful endeavor, just like watching a movie, waiting for the different scenes to unfold, revealing the Totality.  So, enjoy this process.  And it is done.”

Love and Blessings,
Angela "Amayah"