Saturday, May 11, 2013

Healing through Flowers

The month of May brings the smell of flowers and the buds of Spring.  We feel the promise of warmer weather, especially in the far North, and then we harken June; still warmer for most of us in the northern latitudes.  We unfurl our invisible wings, so that we may bask in the Sun’s sweet rays.

“Remember the Flowers of long ago
Their sweet nectar did we sow
For you to cherish on the Earth
Their Essence, their Fragrance, their Mirth
The Lessons taught will form the Song
The Ethers Rhyme, the Bells will Chime
We Guardians attend you now
For your journey, begin now.”

Flowers help us to remember how delicate and beautiful that life can be.  They give us hope that after a long and cold winter, that once again we are able to fully manifest the totality of our Divine pattern. 

I would like to share with you some positive and comforting experiences that you might also consider and use, to help you through your own Soul’s development in working through the Mind, Body and Soul, to heal all the fragments that you may have.  We are encoded with these challenges for this life, in order that we might use the Mind, Body and Soul to clear and cleanse these residual energies from our other Life expressions.  The question needs to be why?  Why did I internalize this strong of an emotion, that it became stuck within me?

You pay attention to your Body and use it as a Barometer as you proceed along your Life Path.  It tells you when spiritual energies are near to you, when you’re having an Inner day versus an Outer day.  There are times that you are meant to go within your Self on those Inner days and work on your Spiritual Self and then there are Outer days when you must address the Mundane; mowing the yard, getting the kids off to school and activities, paying bills and all of the other Mundane activities that you must allow time for.  I have always likened this to riding the contractions of labor.  The pain would build as if you were climbing a mountain and then you would start back down the mountain and you could rest.  It is much the same for you, during this time of spiritual growth and evolvement.  There are periods of time that you are required to work, work, work, and then there are times that you will just, go with the flow and rest and nurture yourself.

Many years ago, the lesson of working through my body became imperative in order that I could gain some relief from some of the transitional spiritual pain that I was suffering through my Body.  My Angels and Teachers were right there with me, guiding me the entire way.  They reminded me of how to go within my Self and follow the pain back to its original beginning.

I went through a period of five years that I had dream-visions every night without fail.  Not only did I have them, but then I was expected to Journal them in order that I might record the lessons to share.  During this period, I would be shown a book cover and then the book’s pages would be turned to reveal the Author’s picture.  I knew that I needed to get that particular book, because there was a concept in the book that I needed to remember and work with.  This particular method happened over and over again, as the years progressed.  I was ravenous in my reading of books during that period of time.

One such book was MAP: The Co-Creative White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program, by Machaelle Small Wright.  As Machaelle stated on page 3, “The White Brotherhood is a large group of highly evolved souls dedicated to assisting the evolutionary process of moving universal reality, principles, laws, and patterns through all planes and levels of form.  They hold the major patterning and rhythms now being utilized for the shift we are all going through from the Piscean to the Aquarian era.  When we link with them, they support and assist us by assuring that any work we do maintains its forward evolutionary motion and its connection to the new Aquarian dynamics.” 

By doing the MAP Coning that is described in the book, it helped me to manage the growing pains that I was having, with the assistance of the Spiritual Metaphysicians and my MAP team.  I also had a friend that used Reiki, especially on my head during that time.  We had taken Reiki classes together and I went on to become a Reiki Master.  Aspirin and such common remedies could not touch these headaches that I was experiencing.  I also used the Perelandra Flower Essences, which were very effective during this developmental time.

Another such book is What is Lightbody? by Archangel Ariel, Channeled by Tashira Tachi-ren.  It will help you to understand and gauge what your body is undergoing and where you are at spiritually.

I have only described a few methods that you might use to help yourself during this transformational phase, because to give you everything that I experienced would be a book in and of itself.

The best advice that I can give you now is to follow SPIRIT and your Teachers, and follow their promptings.  They are there to guide you and protect you and help you to heal all the parts of your Self.

Flowers give us joy with their scent, vibration, and patterns, as well as to trigger our spiritual memories with their beauty.  They are also used to heal us, so ask the Nature Kingdom for their help.

Walk your Spiritual Path with Love, Light, and Laughter!

Angela Amayah

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