Thursday, June 13, 2013

Celestial Light Teachers Speak

“Some of you are flowering early.  Others are now in the process of becoming the fullness of the full flower.  When we challenge you, we do so to help you to learn, because it is through the experience of the Trial that you learn the best.  It becomes integrated within the Body, within the Soul, within the Spirit.  Let your Heart guide you.  Let the loving resonance of the Heart guide you.  This is a Path that is not a Fad.  It is a Path that you are walking upon, since the day of your Birth.  It is a part of you; it is not separate from you.  For each of you have attributes within you, some of which we have not yet seen, because it is not time yet.  Be patient with yourself, be patient with the others.  Do not envy what has already been displayed by some.  Your time will come.  Remember each of you is a Soul, an individual Soul.  You have your individual Teachings, and then you have the Group Teachings.  We see and know that you are on your Path exactly where you need to be at this particular time.  Far, you have come already, but you must be consistent in continuing to walk.  Walk in Faith, walk with Grace, walk with Love.  You have the stamina.  You have the Knowledge.  You have the Learning.  We do not question your abilities, so you should not question your abilities.  Be positive in all of your communication.  This will help you in your own Self-Love.  Your Self-Love provides a Shield for you; a Shield of Protection.  The Brightness of the Star that you have formed is now solid.”

Let the burning desire of your Heart; let it Flame for the Christ.  For it is him, that you are supporting by walking in the Light.  Let your Desire burn hot and bright.  Let the illumination of the Father’s Plan be made visible for all to see.  We Love You.” 

~  Angela Amayah

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