Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Please Evolve All Conscious Entities

We must speak again of Peace.  You realize what Peace is, but there are elements of it, that have deeper meaning than what you know it to be on the surface.  Peace resides at many levels, and as you work with the concept of Peace, you will start to understand all of the ramifications.  Peace may be expressed through language, through concepts, and the words that you use to describe.  Peace is in the thoughts, the unspoken words.  Peace is within energy; what you experience when you’re in a calm state.  Peace even resides within the cellular structure of your body.  You know Peace at a Celestial level; who you are as a Spiritual Being, descending out of the Heavens, your Celestial home, before you came to Earth.  And as Archangel Gabriel said, Peace stands for (P)lease( E)volve (A)ll (C)onscious (E)ntities.  Contemplate this term.  Contemplate how that feels; how you feel about Peace, what you need to do in order to have more of it.  Let your Mind work through this process.  Give more credence however to your Spiritual Mind versus your Logical Mind, because the Peace on Earth that is of men, is not the same as the Peace that surpasses all understanding, which is of God.  Work with this.”

~  Angela Amayah

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